Marie Scholz | Traveler / Photographer
Marie Scholz | Traveler / Photographer
I was born and raised in Mississauga, a city just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I’m a traveler and photographer and I brand along the way. Eventually I want to be a creative director given that I can still quench my thirst for traveling. Nature and good storytellers inspire me. I have always thought that the farther away I am from products of technology the more focussed and connected I feel to my own unique desires and sense of self which is the only place I can expect to foster creativity. I have come to appreciate the act of storytelling because it tends to be a characteristic of people who have seen a lot and done a lot. Storytellers bring me to a place that I have never been but I definitely want to be. People with really interesting life stories motivate me to go out and do instead of sit back and think. When I am at the end of my life I hope to look back and say that I have one darn good story to tell. Social media has proved to be a way for me to document my story. I love it because I get to live life on my own terms. I get to meet people and see things that cannot be explained but are experienced. It allows me to grow as nature does, uniquely individual. My advice would be, Don’t let people tell you that you can’t do something; no one has done anything awesome by saying no. Always ask people what their story is and listen intently.
Check out some of Marie's work here: @mariescholz